Early this summer I was sent this book, Real Talk Tips: Laugh-Out-Loud Pointers and Suggestions For the Morally Challenged, Socially Inept & the People Who Love Them, by the lovely author; Ms. Cherise Amber Charleswell; to give it a read and share my thoughts on it. Life got hectic and I wasn't able to review it right away but after reading it and literally "laughing out loud" many times reading the book, I really should have shared this one with you guys sooner! Real Talk Tips provides tips, words of wisdom and common sense with a humorous tone many times. Like I said, I had many "laugh out loud" moments reading this. The tips cover various aspects of life including health, personal grooming, relationships, child rearing, finances and life.
Some of my favorite lines in the book that had me laughing so hard, I was crying as I re-typed them on this post:
"Basic tip: Do not to attempt to 'drop it low/drop it like it's hot' etc. unless you are physically capable of getting back up on your own." (page 77)
"If one's ponytail is thinner than a pencil's circumference, and the edges along one's hairline are eroding, one should promptly make the decision to opt for another hairstyle." (page 21)
One should consider picking up a few cookbooks if one's children don't view going to bed without any supper as a form of punishment." (page 16)
"A public hallway is not the best place to commence to digging in one's ass. One may getting away with adjusting a wedgie quickly, but rapid-fire scratching and sniffing is unacceptable-" (page 4)
I'm telling you there were so many other's that had me rollin! And here are a couple great life quotes that were shared in the book:
"Instead of being jealous, be inquisitive. Find out how that individual you envy acquired his/her wealth, knowledge, confidence or sense of style." (page 73)
"The grass is greener on the other side because people spend too much time looking at others' lawns instead of tending their own." (page 62)
This light read is able to be insightful and hilarious at the same time. Once you're done reading it, it makes a great coffee table book and will have your guests feeling nothing short of entertained that's for sure.
Purchase your copy HERE