The natural hair vets weren't lying when they said "mo hair, mo problems". The longer my hair gets the more TLC I have to give it. I've been struggling with knots like a mug. It's imparative now more than ever that I keep my hair stretched at all times. I've also been having a problem lately keeping it moisturized and sealed properly. I'm taking notes and trying different combinations. One thing is I've run out of my Bee Mine Deja's Hair Milk. I need to re-up on it. My hair really behaves and stays moisturized with that. Yes, I was falling for my Shea Moisture Curl & STyle Milk all over again but now it's acting distant and calling me less. It's like it's good but something is now off and it's not doing as well as it normally does. I'm also noticing that sealing is becoming a very good idea for my hair. I wasn't consistent with this in the past because my hair accumulates build up fast if I'm not careful but I'm seeing, just recenly, that my hair likes it and retains more moisture when I do it. For me, it has to be a light oil my hair will absorb though or it will just leave my hair a dry, greasy mess. Right now I'm experimenting with sweet almond oil. I may try apricot kernel oil too; that's a light one.
Ay mi pelo!
I'm not alarmed or scared or ready to slap on a relaxer or anything. I attribute this to "growing pains". Come December, I will be natural for 3 years. It's seeming like as you pass the 2 years natural threshold, some things change because you now have a lot of hair. I'm moving into that space and as always, I will figure it out. No journey is easy peasy all the time. They are riddled with trials and tribulations and celebrations and achievements but you need all of these to define a journey.
Any of you feeling like I'm feeling? Or you vets, did you feel this way at the 2, 2.5 year natural mark?