Mixtress Chronicles: New Batch of Aloe Vera Custard

I made a new batch recently and tweeked it some. I like this mix better than the previous one and may stick with this one. Coconut oil is great for pre-treating your hair before washing because it helps prevent your hair from absorbing too much water, which is known as hydral fatigue. So I like it better than the other oils I used in my previous mix. It also leaves my hair feeling softer and fluffier.

I also now keep my custard in the fridge to keep the mix fresher and from separating. I bought two big bottles of the Trader Joes brand aloe vera gel but I'm still partial to my J/A/S/O/N brand aloe vera gel. So once I use up what AVG I have now, I will go back to that one.

Happy Mixing


Unknown said…
I so can't wait to try this. I have some aloe vera gel and ading some coconut oil sounds fab!