Happy Friday Kurlies! Today's music is from my girl, Teedra. She released another mixtape, Luxurious Undergrind, recently and you know I had to share it with you guys. Her voice is amazing and her deliverance is how I would say something. She's classic, yet raw and "a friend in my head". But back to the mixtape, it's ill but then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from her. My favorites are, man I don't think I have a favorite just yet but I like that a few of the songs have jazz influences on them. On Another Luvr, the bass is rockin. Check out The One below. I luv how in the song, she is talking about not settling basically and that just because a man is good man and other people have declared him the one doesn't mean he's the one for her. Speak on it! Maybe I just feel that song so much because those are the thoughts that I live by:
Video from DjNovemberMusic
Download the mixtape HERE.
Have a great weekend. ;D
I'm kinda of leary about downloading from that link on her website though:-(