Outside of rocking my usual curly fro's, twist outs and braid outs, I plan to rock some of these styles this summer too. Oh how I covet the versatility of afro texture hair.

FuNkY-rEtRo Up-Do'S

LoNg CoRnRoWs (and big earrings!)
CrOcHeT bRaIdS (or try crochet kinky twists!)
FuNkY-rEtRo Up-Do'S
{Image from http://www.gettogethablog.com/}
HiGh BuNs
{Image from http://www.bvhairtalk.com/}
Do I dare try MiNi TwIsTs again? My hair is longer these days......
{Image from http://vintagebell.blogspot.com/}
{Image from http://www.afroniquelyyou.com/}
Posh Culture xxx
Posh Culture: Yes, the high buns are all over the place here in Nyc. I luv them!
BTW You have just recieved a stylish blogger award from me!! YAY!! Check the details on my blog. http://no1rule.blogspot.com/2011/05/stylish-blogger-award.html
perfect for summery time