I finally am interested in trying these out. The results I see on other's hair is always fabulous. I don't know how soon I will get them though since spring is here, which means more moisture in the air (and more reversion: not what I'm going for if I'm trying to achieve a specific curl pattern). So maybe come the fall, I'll be ready to purchase some and give them a try.
Are these on any of your wish lists? Have any of you tried them? What did you think? How do they differ from a flexi rod set or do they?
Sally Beauty Supply: http://www.sallybeauty.com/ $16.99 for a 10 pack, $60 for starter kit
Amazon - Click the link below for more info:
I don't know how this fluffy curly look will look on me now, being that my hair isn't very long.
I agree, with the summer coming = more moisture!! Case and point: I got my hair str8n and trimmed yesterday, only to walk thru the mall and poof be here! So, today I am going to try the cfs on my partially str8n hair. I've got a good feeling about this...
hair .|. finance .|. womanhood