My Turn to Review the Tangle Teezer

Yep, this is a band wagon I got on. I fought the good fight till I just gave in and I'm glad that I did. I like it. Check out my vid below:

What  do you guys think about the Tangle Teezer?

Where to Buy  for $9.99

Going-Natural No More Knots Leave-In Detangling Spray- for $10


Izabell said…
Very good! Like the video.
Jc said…
lol you made me laugh with all the oohs when you started using it.

It did seem to run through your hair so easily. Mine was a gentle tip to root job in one inch sections and the hair loss was crazy!!

Glad it works for you though, you are right sometimes people go nuts over reviews. It may or may not work for you, there is only one way to find out :)
I enjoy using the TT, too. It saved my hair. =D
Anonymous said…
i using the TT, love love for my hair
tracee214 said…
I love this thing!!! Couldn't believe I didn't even lose that much hair and it didn't take me forever and a day to straighten my hair. It cut down on my detangling time a lot! Don't think I'll use anything else but this! Still trying to get used to holding it though. Must admit I dropped it a few times.
