African Export Shares Different Ways to Rock a Twist OUt

Want to get the most mileage out of your twist out? Check out African Export's: vid on some simple styles that you can rock on you T.O. and subscribe to her channel if you haven't already. Her videos are informative, creative, funny, honest and just all out ROCK!

I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little bit more, even if it could just get to the 50's (degrees farenheit) so I can start wearing my hair out again! Flat twist outs and braid outs are my favorite spring/summer hairstyles.


Anonymous said…
I say this vid and loved it. She did sooo many cute styles in a short period of time. Flat twist outs and braid outs are my fav styles as well.
New Day said…
I subscribed to her a few weeks ago. She is my new favorite utuber.