Some Things Just Aren't For Everybody

I'm really losing hope in 2 strand twists on me, guys! They just aren't working for me at this stage of my hair length I think. I did some medium sized, 2 strand twists last night and they were awful. The twists don't fall nicely at all right now. I had planned to keep them in all week and ended up taking them down this morning. It doesn't help that I did them on damp hair with gel either but that's a whole 'nother post....

I like tiny twists on me but they take me 6 hours to complete. Now that I'm working again and more involved in other projects, I don't have the time or patience to do them anymore. Plus with my hair being frizz prone, they don't even last that long to begin with; I'm lucky if I can get 2 weeks in them without looking like a total fuzz head.

So I'm chopping it up and will not be wearing 2 strand twists as a hairstyle any time soon. I want to like them but I just think that my hair is at an awkward length right now and I don't feel fly leaving the house in them. What an adventure this growing our hair out natural is....... Thank goodness, there's a plethora of other styles to choose from!


Mavis said…
I agree with you. The first time I went natural (10+ years ago now), I used to wear twists all the time. They didn't seem to take that long to do, and I had no issues with them.

But now, I do them occasionally, because I still like the look but most times, I've just got so many other things to do and it takes me a good 3 hours to get them done. Besides for whatever reason, these days, I find my hair tangles more, etc. when I do twists than when I do WnGs, so at least for me, they aren't even a protective style anymore.

BTW - your hair is looking fabulous. I remember when you did your BC.
Tiffany said…
bummer. i've been twisting mine into two big twists with a part down the center as I too don't like the way they just hang. hope you find something new & flyy. good luck.
Shawnystheone said…
I had this same issue last night , I dont know what to do. Braidouts nor twistouts nor twists look good at my length, Im thinking about going right back into some kinkytwists and try not to think about it for the winter.
vetty said…
i def feel u on this. my hair never stays in the flat twist updo's it is. what other styles do you do?
Don't give up! Here are some points

- when you do your twists, use them as a protective style for a few days and then take the twists out. leaving it in longer means more definition
-for a more poofy look however, take the twists out when they are 97% dry
-to make them lay down after you take them out, spray them with water. This will cause the twists to be less like random strands sticking up and more like curls that hang down
Milan said…
Thanks for chiming in ladies! I knew I wasn't alone in this but it's so good to hear you all sound off too!

When I had a twa, I used to luv twists and they looked so good but now not so much unless they're super small. Well it's a challenge for me to find some other protective style that works for me.