My girl, Jc of The Natural Haven (one of my favorite hair blogs) has a great post up helping you develop a more discerning eye for ingredients in some of your hair care products like your shampoos and conditioners:
"-The first five ingredients are all you need to know for three products: shampoos, hair conditioners and leave in conditioners. The water content of these varies according to manufacturer but generally ranges between 50 and 80 % of the the total weight (Cosmetic and Toiletry Formulations by E.Flick)
Lesson from Product labelling - The Law: If you have purchased a shampoo or hair conditioner and the ingredient listing did not start with water, you should be suspicious and should check with the company if the list is accurate. "
Read the rest of her article HERE
Jc gives it to us straight.. no chaser. lol And if she doesn't know something she RESEARCHES.