Hmm... My recent feature (click here to see it) on Brandon* has me wanting to talk about music a lil more on here. For those of you that don't know, I'm a certified music junkie (especially when it comes to underground music). I usually start, get through and end my day with music. I have different songs that I associate with different people, times, and experiences in my life. Funny story: my freshman year in college I was dating this guy and during the course of our dating, the song that was stuck in my head was "Girls, Girls, Girls" by Jay-Z. It was one of his favorite songs at the time. Go figure. I should've gotten the sign about why that song was stuck in my head sooner. It was warning me about him. Lol!
Anyway, Teedra Moses is one of my favorite R&B singers and she's got an ILL mixtape on her site you can download for free. Unless it's really bad, Teedra can do no wrong in my eyes. Lol. Click here for more details. I luv it and have been rockin with it since I dl'd it.
Again, don't forget to check out Brandon*. He's got talent for centuries! If you like good music that's original click here to check out his work. Also expect to see more of his work featured on here. I've made it a hobby to "pester" him for projects to share with you all b/c that's how much I believe in his work/talent. :D