I had never heard about this till I was watching Natural Chica's latest vid on how she blows out her kinky kurly hair. I was instantly intrigued and then started to do some research.
Turns out that, yes, grapeseed oil could make a good heat protectant. It resists heat up to 425 degrees (F). It's also chock full of antioxidants (protect your skin and hair from various free radicals) which is great for your body, hair and skin. I don't know about you, but I'm a little excited about this!
I don't use heat frequently and when I do, it's blow drying. It's nice to know when I do, this could be a good oil to use when blowing out my hair. So all you heat lovers or those that use heat more frequently, here's a more natural and eco-chic way that could help protect your hair from heat. You can find grapeseed oil in any of your local grocery stores and health food stores.
What say you, Jc? Lol.
If I ever buy a blow dryer (errrr) or blow out my hair (double errr) I'll use this oil to hep soothe the heat damage possibility.