First off, I'm sure you noticed the banner change. I was tired of looking at the previous one and wanted something "cleaner" that screamed simple and chic. I also feel that this gives the site a different look. One that I like better. On to the topic at hand.
I've whittled down my already small product line up again. I'm a simplistic woman in many aspects of my life, including my hair. I really vibe with the "less is more" mindset. Below is my most current list of what I use
What I Use
- Castile soap mix
- Homemade conditioning mixes
- Coconut oil (or EVOO)
- Castor oil
- Aloe vera gelly
- Homemade shea pudding
- ACV rinse
- Henna
I am proud to say, that's all folks. I can maintain my hair's health and achieve whatever hairstyles I like to wear with only those products listed. :D
I think I will almost always be at play when it comes to my mixing though. My next mixtress project is making the talked about flax seed gel. I've heard many great review on it and am ready to try it out for myself. I also plan to try a new conditioning mix with an avocado. Maybe I'll try the banana one too.
Hair care product reviews will still be going down but I have a twist that I'm going to put on some of them. More details on that in another post though so keep a look out and have a great weekend ladies! Wearing your hair any special way for Valentine's Day?
Weird, good luck girlie!
Chrissystina, that's odd. I always hear the exact opposite about conditioning with avocado. What recipe did you use? Have you checked out PrettyDimples vid on youtube when she did it?
I think I'm going to do mine like this: avocado, coconut cream, honey, and a lil oil. I'm thinking of doing it when I take these twists out next month so you know I'll keep you guys updated!
For the last week or two I sprayed with Aloe Gro (http://tiashauntee.blogspot.com/2010/01/recall-aloe-gro-treatment-video-that-i.html) and then just seal the moisture with a butter or coconut oil. I made my Aloe Gro with a hair tea (water steeped with all sorts of good for you herbs) instead of just plain water, and tea trea oil since it's the only one I have. This is the first time I made the Aloe Gro, so I'm still testing it out, but I think I like it. I spray it on both my scalp and my hair, unlike the butters, which I concentrate on my ends. I moisturized every other day to every 3 days, depending on how my hair feels. My hair seemed pretty moisturized (though dirty!) when I took them out, so I guess it worked!
- savvy
Oooo now I want to try that recipe, savvybrown! Maybe I will when I take my twists down next month. Thanks for sharing it.
Now and again I'll do a henna treatment or a coconut milk and Greek yogurt deep conditioner. But that's a treat, not part of the normal routine. I seal with shea butter.
This routine has come as a product of much trial and error. I love how soft and healthy my hair is using this.