Ok, a personal twists challenge is ON like DONKEY KONG. I've OFFICIALLY challenged myself to rock the mess outta twists the rest of this winter.
So far, they are doing right by me. I don't have to do anything to my hair in the morning except mist, fluff and go and no dry and greasy hair has been in this house since I added them back to my (winter) regimen. Right now, I'm all about leavin my hair alone for the rest of the winter.
My Twists Challenge Guidelines Are as Follows:
- I will wear my twists for and re-do them every 2 weeks
- I will condition and wash my hair every 2 weeks
- I will continue to henna once a month
- Challenge will officially end April 1st
Sounds like I'm back on the Crown & Glory Method tip, right? Betcha bottom dollar, I am. My hair has spoken and I've listened. I'll be twisting with my shea pudding and moisturizing daily with a different mist recipe: water, aloe vera gel/juice, and castor oil. I've chosen castor oil over my usual jojoba oil b/c it's thicker and I feel that will help me retain even more moisture since the air right now is so cold and dry.
Here are starting pics of what my twists are looking like in January:

Blogger shrink the pics so much! Click on the pic to see a larger view.
So who's with me? I hope some of you will join me (lemme know!). I think we'll be pleasantly surprised come April with what our hair is lookin like. I will provide updates monthly.
I was supposed to twist my hair days ago, but never had the time to do it how I wanted it. So tonight I will do them. 2/1 thru 4/1... I think I can do that :)
I'll be unofficially joining you- I have one week this month that I won't be in twists since I'll be on vacay in a warm place and want to rock another style...but other than that-I'll be twisted up.
my reggie is similiar to yours. I try to keep them in for 2 weeks at a time and I moisturize as necessary. I usually 'rinse' in between the 2 week frame with diluted conditioner and water. I'll be adding castor oil mix with sweet almond oil to my scalp starting this month (as soon as the package arrives)!!!
By the way there is a way to keep the actual size rather then the thumbnail. another thing, are you aware of Picasa Web Albums ? uploading your image via there etc...
Lex, try tying a satin scarf around your head at night and then putting a satin bonnet on over top. That always kept my twists from sticking up when I experienced that problem. Then if they're a lil flat in the morning, just spritz them with some of your favorite moisturizing mist and they'll plump back up. Hope that helped!
Shawnystheone, great minds think alike! Join us when the braids/weave combo comes out.