I kinda am. LMAO.
They bring the drama and this is one of the few shows that I welcome all the nonsense.
Nene is my GIRL. She has a big mouth and keeps it real but I luv it. Kim is delusional and for whatever reason, won't admit she wears a damn wig (what's the big deal anyway?!). Sharee is one of those women who are over confident for no reason and the Lisa is the entreprenuerial, energizer bunny.
It will be interesting to see what Kandi (former Exscape member) brings to the group drama- I mean dynamic. From the previews, it looks like she and Nene do not get along. Hahaha.
I like this Housewives series the best honestly. I think they are the most interesting and I luv seeing real life successful Blacks on tv. It's not a fictional show.
Sure they act a hot mess, but as we're seeing with all the Housewives' editions, just cuz you're rich doesn't mean you have anymore poise or class than the next one.
I want to see what Kandi brings to the show too. But like you said, from the previews, it just looks like she's just another person who can't stand Nene. While I liked DeShawn, I hope that Kandi brings a little bit more to the ATL Housewives than just drama. DeShawn brought a lot of the class to the show, but I guess the producers thought her life wasn't 'interesting' enough for her to return to Season 2.