I really enjoy these eco-fresh make up brushes. With handles made out of bamboo, they leave a very small carbon footprint on the environment and the soft bristles are synthetic so to all you PETA heads, these are (animal) cruelty free brushes.
They're also very affordable. I paid $6 or $7 for the foundation brush and the results are always mah-velous dahling when I use it. The powder brush is good and the eye shadow brush is so so but there is always room for improvement.
I just luv how they feel. They're soo soft and almost glide over your skin. They don't feel rough and I like that.
I hope they come out with more brushes. I luv that I can beat my face and help out the environment at the same time. And they say you can multi task.... Pish pish.
You can find them at your local drugstores as well as Wal-Mart, Target, etc.
Stay beautiful!