Last wednesday. My hair is growing something serious and I don't mind it at all. After I took the kinky twists down, I did a henna gloss and mini twisted my hair using my homemade shea frosting. I use the frosting for my body but I got the idea to try it in my hair and I really like twisting with it (better than the Afro Veda PUR Whipped Gelly). I'll be doing a review on my shea frosting on my hair. Let's just say I no longer hate shea butter en mi pelo.
My twists have gotten longer since the last time I did them back in April. I'm starting to have little bangs! LOL.
I left them in till today when I took them down to rock a twist out:

Can we say I luvs my hair! It's getting bigger and bigger by the day. Yay!
If you wanna see more pics of my hair, check out my fotki.
On the fence what to do next with my hair. Kinky twist back up? Mini twist again? I don't know..... I thinking of going extension-less the rest of the summer and maybe return to them in the fall.
You never know with me. I'm doing something.... The journey continues!
Congrats on your BC ALLmEYEne! Girl, do what you wanna with our hair. 3 weeks after I BC'd I braided up my situation. It's your journey. Do it how you wanna!