Having fun making your own moisturizing mists yet? Try this one out and you just might like the results:
- Water
- Aloe vera juice
- Honeyquat or glycerin
- Olicoco oil (blend of olive and coconut oil)
You'll want to play with your amounts till you get results you like. I make sure my mists contain a majority of water and small amts of the glycerin (or honeyquat) and oil/s.
I learned that using "Olicoco" (olive oil and coconut oil) oil is a moisturizing oil combo force to be reckoned with! They are moisturizing oils.
(When I'm saying an oil is "moisturizing", that means that the oil is able to penetrate the hair shaft. Most oils cannot penetrate and therefore just lubricate aka "seal the moisture in" the hair shaft, which is very important too. I put moisturizing in quotation marks b/c, I do not feel that water can be or should be substituted with these "moisturizing" oils. Water is the ultimate moisturizer and always needs to be in the mix.)
I'm diggin this mix at the moment:
* Water
* Glycerin (I only use a cap full) or honeyquat
* Jojoba oil (once again, I only use a lil bit- you can easily make your mists too oily)
I had already thought to try this with jojoba oil but Jc over at The Natural Haven wrote an article about jojoba oil and that sealed, pun intended, the deal for me to make this mist and see what my results were.
I really like it. It's simple: only 3 ingredients. Most importantly, it works. My hair stays incredibly moisturized for long periods of time. Many times I can get away with misting it on every other day.
Try both and see which one you like best! Take turns using both. Or use all 3 oils (oil blend) in your mist.
I'm thinking the next mist I will create will go something like this:
* Water
* Aloe vera juice
* Glycerin
* blend of Olicoco and Jojoba oil- so I get the moisture (olicoco) and sealing (jojoba) action in 1!
I luv being a mixtress. You get to have what YOU want in your products.
Explore and enjoy!
I can't wait until my hair is longer so I can twists it and then put in a ponytail. Spritzing will be a breeze.