Just wanted to do a brief update. So about a month ago, I started taking Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella tablets for overall health, natural detoxing and to boost my hair growth rate.
I simply luv this blue-green algae. Chlorella rocks. My skin glows and is even softer than it already was. I didn't take any before pics since I was in braids when I started taking them but I can tell my hair is growing at a faster rate and that is A-Ok with me. My nails grow super fast now and are so much stronger. They hardly ever break now; it takes a lot of force to break them.
As far as my overall health, I do feel an energy boost and a little more upbeat since using Chlorella. I eat pretty healthy (except over this holiday weekend!) so paired with this, I just feel swell.
I took heed to people's admonitions and SLOWLY introduced it to my body. The first week, I took 1 tablet, 1 gm, daily. The second week, upped the annie to 2 tablets daily and the third week, I took 3 tablets daily. Since then, I continue to take 3 tablets daily. The recommendation is actually 5 gm daily but right now I'm coo with 3 gm daily.
So there it is folks. I'm pretty darn smitten and can say that I will be a chlorella user for life. Chlorella, me luv you long time. :o)
The deadline of the challenge is May 1st.
Girl, yes. My nails used to break and chip if I lightly tapped them it seemed like. Now, it takes a whole lot of force to chip these suckers. LOL.
Didn't know about the facial hair thing tho. I'll have to pay attention and see if that happens with me. LOL.