All you need is a few minutes to look fab. I did this look in less than 10 minutes. All I have on is: (stick) foundation, concealer, eye shadow primer, eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I filled in my brows too. It sounds like a lot but it’s really not. It took me less than 10 minutes to complete, remember?

I put the primer on my lids b/c they are dark (a lot of times people think I already have eye shadow on. LOL) and it lightens them. So if you don’t have this going on, you may choose to opt out of this step. I put liner on to accentuate my eyes. I could have easily skipped this and shaved a few seconds off my time.
I rarely leave the house without my brows done. I maintain my own and because they are sparse in some areas, I fill them in with a brow pencil. When you’ve got those “so crispy” brows, there’s nothing anybody can say. Your brows really lay down the frame work for your face and they take you a long way when they look slammin.
That’s it; no magic. Very simple and easy steps that yield great results. Who said it takes forever to look good?

I put the primer on my lids b/c they are dark (a lot of times people think I already have eye shadow on. LOL) and it lightens them. So if you don’t have this going on, you may choose to opt out of this step. I put liner on to accentuate my eyes. I could have easily skipped this and shaved a few seconds off my time.
I rarely leave the house without my brows done. I maintain my own and because they are sparse in some areas, I fill them in with a brow pencil. When you’ve got those “so crispy” brows, there’s nothing anybody can say. Your brows really lay down the frame work for your face and they take you a long way when they look slammin.
That’s it; no magic. Very simple and easy steps that yield great results. Who said it takes forever to look good?