Ryan Leslie's self-titled album.

It was just released this past Tuesday and I have been bumpin it non-stop since I downloaded it (b/c no one buys actual cds anymore. Heavens no. LOL.) Tuesday night. It's great R&B. If you're an R&B head, you will want to add this to your collection. I like every song on the album. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, you will like the song "Valentine" on there. Very pretty song. My fav song on the whole album tho is "You're Fly". It just has that beat you can groove to; that feel good music, ya know? I just love his music. He's so original. On the style tip, I luv his style. I can't get enough of a man that can DRESS!
EDIT 2-15-09: DOWNLOADING HIS ALBUM FROM AMAZON IS CHEAPER THAN ITUNES AND WHEN IT DOWNLOADS IT GOES STRAIGHT TO YOUR ITUNES LIBRARY. So if you DL it from Amazon, please use the link below so I can get credit for it. :0)

It was just released this past Tuesday and I have been bumpin it non-stop since I downloaded it (b/c no one buys actual cds anymore. Heavens no. LOL.) Tuesday night. It's great R&B. If you're an R&B head, you will want to add this to your collection. I like every song on the album. In the spirit of Valentine's Day, you will like the song "Valentine" on there. Very pretty song. My fav song on the whole album tho is "You're Fly". It just has that beat you can groove to; that feel good music, ya know? I just love his music. He's so original. On the style tip, I luv his style. I can't get enough of a man that can DRESS!
EDIT 2-15-09: DOWNLOADING HIS ALBUM FROM AMAZON IS CHEAPER THAN ITUNES AND WHEN IT DOWNLOADS IT GOES STRAIGHT TO YOUR ITUNES LIBRARY. So if you DL it from Amazon, please use the link below so I can get credit for it. :0)