Pastry Glam Pie Hitops in White Copper
TGIF! It's so true that fashion really does repeat itself. Remember when Reebok Hitop sneakers were the ish? LOL. I'm kinda diggin this shoe though. It's one of the very few Pastry shoes that I actually like. Maybe b/c it has just the right amount of flash but it's still clean. But I think it would be cute with some fitted skinny jeans and a long, ribbed tank or a hoodie.

Hitop Style - by AGrlCanMAC on Polyvore.com
Luv Teyana Taylor's big kurls. Weave or not. I can't get enough of them and might have to get some hair like that for my crochet braids. I just think these shoes look coo for casual hanging out with friends and, bonus, if you pair it with a big designer-esque bag (and some big shades), it's all good. Have a great weekend all!
PS (I'm STILL bumpin Ryan Leslie.)