All my "diva is a female version of a hustla...." ladies will want to check this book out. Especially if you want to get your MAC on. It's full of great inspiration and tips for how to "Do You" and be successful in the process. In the book, Russell Simmons shares the 12 Laws of Success that got him to where he is. I love that with Law: Do You, he advises to always stay true to yourself aka "Law #2: Always Do You". You can never be truly successfull doing something or being something/someone that isn't you. People will see right through it and won't take you seriously anyway. Fake people only get so far and usually aren't happy b/c they had to be someone other than themselves to get there......
Some other great tips he shares also is to humble yourself. You're not going to be a millionairess over night so that means you gotta be on your grind and no "turning your nose up" to certain jobs. As long as it doesn't compromise your morals and values, you gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes you will have to work hours you don't wanna work, do jobs you don't like or feel like doing, take on an extra job, etc. but you gotta do it b/c you can always take something away from any of your experiences and use them to get you one step higher.
Another one of his laws that I was really digging, actually I dig all his laws but I'm only sharing a couple with you because you need to get the book (!), was "Law #5: Nothing Less Than Your Best". Meaning no matter what job you have, you give nothing less than your best. If you're a street cleaner, you be the best damn street cleaner the streets ever saw. You never know what could come of that. How many success stories have you heard where people came from the gutter or from a less than desirable job or situation and are at the top of their game right now? I think it's because those jobs/situations BUILD CHARACTER and strength. The current CEO of Sarah Lee, Inc.-Meats Division started out as the person who chased the pigs up the ramp to get slaughtered! Now that's dope! Just goes to show it doesn't matter where you come from as long as you know where you want to go in life. I keep telling you ladies, the world is your oyster. Your world is what you make it but ya gotta work for it. "To whom much is given, much is recquired." Neva forget that.
For those of you that have read the book, share your thoughts.
PS (I'm still bumpin Ryan Leslie!)