So I wasn't able to get the supplies this month to make a big batch of curly pudding following Shae's Pudding Recipe b/c I had already met my budgetted amount (yes, I have a hair products section of my monthly budget. Crazy, I know but how else am I going to keep my habit in check!?!) on other products. I was kinda bummed that I wouldn't get to try it this month while I'm in between braids. Well this morning, I had a light bulb idea. For shae's pudding the ingredients are hair gel, shea butter, and a lil oil of choice. So I got to thinking while I don't have enough to make a big batch, I sure as heezy have enough to make some for one application.
I squirted some AO B5 Design Gel into my hand (I really don't think I can take the fragrance guys! I have to start looking for an alternative once I use it all up!), then took a lil bit of my whipped shea butter (which already has oils n aloe vera gel in it)(I do not have exact measurements b/c I eye balled it.), and rubbed the 2 together in my hands until it was mixed good and then raked it through my kurls n koils (Note. I spritzed my hair with water first before I raked the pudding through). It worked like a friggin charm, baby.
