Ok, so right now, I'm DC'ing. I was on Long Hair Care Forum last night and came across a thread about adding salt to your conditioner. Many members were reporting that adding it to a conditioner will give a moisture boost and our fav, DEFINE our kinks-kurls-koils more. Many said detangling was a breeze after rinsing it out also. So I decided to try it for myself and see if the hype was real.
I got a bowl, poured enough TJ (Trader Joes) Tea Tree Tingle conditioner to apply to my whole head (about 4-5oz since my hair's still short) and added 1 Tsp table salt (some of the members used sea salt instead). I mixed it with my finger and it turned to a liquid. Like it looked like I added water to it. Some members in the thread mentioned it fizzing or turning liquidy. Guess it depends on what kind of conditioner that you use. After I applied it and put on my conditioning cap, I noticed that my scalp tingled a bit but it went away after about 10 minutes. I still have it on and it's been about 30 mins. I think I'll give it 10 more minutes and we'll see what's up.
I'm back. I ended up leaving it on for 2 hrs(!). Def didn't mean to leave it on that long (but the rerun of "For The Love of Ray J" came on. Yes, another guilty pleasure- mindless "reality" tv.... You know you watch it too!). So I rinsed it out and..... OMG HAIR IS SOOOOOO SOFT AND MOISTURIZED. My hair feels nothing short of incredible, marvelous dahling, extraordinary. When I rinsed it out my kinks, kurls n koils felt extremely silky, smooth, and downright luxurious. I didn't even need to detangle so I just ran my fingers through my hair a couple times and that was that. I really, really like this! After that, I gently massaged my scalp with my "no-poo" cleanser mix, rinsed, and am air drying with KBB (Karen's Body Beautiful) Hair Milk and sealed with KBB Hair Cream. My hair feels incredible. My hair feels incredible..... Oh yeah and it really did DEFINE my kurls. I'm sold!
Recap- The recipe I went by:
* About 4-5oz Conditioner --> the amt you will have to judge for yourself
* 1 Tsp salt --> it can be straight up table salt or you can use sea salt
That same thread advised not to do this very often or it will start to have adverse effects and run the potential of DRYING your hair out. So if you try it and have success with it, I wouldn't do this more than once or twice a month. I probably wouldn't do it more than once a month tho. Share your thoughts, opinions, etc...
***UPDATE 2-18-09: My hair dried uber soft, light, and fluffy. (Add some hair gel to make my more defined kurls n koils pizz-opp and I'm good to go.) I think I've fallen in luv!***