Do you like making your own hair care and skin care products or want to get into it? "There's a place for uuuuuuuus". LOL. I just joined yet another board called Mixology 101. It's great site that is brand new and looking for members. Here you can learn and swap recipes for natural alternatives to what's sold commercially. Sometimes it even saves you money! And in these economic times, it doesn't hurt to save some money!
I've already found recipes that I can't wait to try! Like one member's, Shawnette, recipe for hair pudding. Easy to make, waaaay more affordable than Miss Jessie's, all natural (if you use aloe vera gel instead of IC Fantasia gel) and the results are fab! Check out her blog on there. She posts before and after pics of the recipe.
Have a great weekend. Stay warm. It's been freezing in Nyc lately! And as always, stay blessed and beautiful. :0)
*Picture Featured: "Proud Divas" by Frank Morrison