Product Review: L'Oreal HIP Metallic Duo eye shadows/Pink and Purple Eyes

L'Oreal HIP has a new line of eye shadow duos out. They are the Metallic duos and come in 5 different colors. I got 3 of the 5: Sculpted (Pink and Purple duo), Platinum (Silver and Black duo), and Gunmetal (Greens). I wore sculpted yesterday. Check me out.

The colors that I have are great. I haven't worn the Platinum one yet but the other 2 are superb. I am wearing Gunmetal today and pics from today will be in the next post. The color pay off is great and they really do give off a fly, metallic shine. So go try them out!


Anonymous said…
Sculpted looks really pretty on you!! :)
Milan said…
Thank you! I love these colors. It's a dope duo. =)
Amina said…
I've meaning to try the HIP line for a while...
Milan said…
You should! They have great colors and are good quality.